J. Reuben Long Detention Center SC Recent Arrests and Bookings (2025)

J. Reuben Long Detention Center Recent Bookings & Arrests

How do I find out if someone has been arrested and booked into the J. Reuben Long Detention Center?

To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the J. Reuben Long Detention Center, call the jail’s booking line at 843-915-5140.

There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to speak to someone at the jail. Sometimes the jail staff may ask you the offender’s date of birth to ensure privacy of the offender’s status.

Keep in mind that after an arrest, the information on an offender may not be publicly available for several hours.

If you don’t want to check up on an offender by calling the jail, you can also try looking up people recently booked online.

J. Reuben Long Detention Center Booking Roster

What happens during booking in Horry County?

After being arrested and taken into custody, and after being read their Miranda Rights, an offender will next be transported to the local police or department or the Sheriff’s Department in Horry County for booking.

Booking is very involved and requires multiple steps in the process, however, keep in mind that most attorneys will advise that an offender remain silent and not offer any additional information about the crime they have been arrested for because anything they do say may be recorded and may very well be used against them in court.

What is the booking process like at the J. Reuben Long Detention Center?

Booking includes having their photo (mugshot) and fingerprints taken, as well as being asked a lot of questions about their personal history and state of mind. If it’s a serious felony, their DNA may also be taken. They will also be checked for warrants in Horry County and other South Carolina and USA jurisdictions.

If the offender was arrested for a DUI offense, and has refused a breathalyzer test, they may also be forced to have blood drawn by a doctor or nurse.

It is also very likely that the offender will undergo a humiliating full body search while in the nude. This includes bending over, spreading their cheeks in the direction of an officer, and coughing. They will also be walked through a metal detector or x-ray machine, like those used at an airport.

What kind of questions are asked during booking?

The arresting jurisdiction will ask about gang affiliations, tattoos, medical conditions, prescribed medication they are taking, recreational drugs they are on or addicted to, allergies, if they are suicidal, and other relevant information that will help with determining their cell assignment and special needs.

What happens to an offender’s personal property during booking?

During the arrest and booking process an offender will also have all their personal property confiscated and held for either their release from jail, or with the offender’s approval, released to a friend or family member.

Personal property includes the clothing they are wearing, money, wallets, purses, cell phones, jewelry, body rings, earrings, watches, and even glasses if they are deemed a security risk. If they are allowed to keep their shoes or sneakers, the laces are removed.

What happens after booking?

At this point the offender will be allowed to make a free phone call to a person of their choice to notify them of their arrest, and/or arrange a bond or bail for their release.

If the offender is being detained and housed while awaiting arraignment, the J. Reuben Long Detention Center will provide a jail garment and slip-on shoes, a blanket, sheets, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and a towel.

Often, before they are dressed in the jail outfit and brought to their housing location, they will be forced to take a shower and undergo a disinfectant treatment for body and hair lice, scabies or other pests that may be residing on their person.

How long does the J. Reuben Long Detention Center Booking process take?

Booking can take anywhere from an hour to 24 hours or more. It all depends on the number of people that are awaiting processing, the number of staff on duty at the time, and the behavior of the offender.

If the offender is heavily intoxicated and/or violent, the Booking Officer may decide to stick the offender in a holding cell for several hours until they become more manageable.

J. Reuben Long Detention Center SC Recent Arrests and Bookings (2025)


Who died at J Reuben Long Detention Center? ›

Reuben Long Detention Center, died after being transported to the hospital on Sunday, July 14, the Horry County Coroner's Office reports. Joseph Watts, Jr., of Conway, died at the Conway Medical Center emergency room after he was transported from the jail, said Chief Deputy Coroner Tamara Willard.

What is the name of the jail in Horry County? ›

Reuben Long Detention Center.

What county is J Reuben Long Detention Center in? ›

The Horry County Sheriff's Office assumed control of J. Reuben Long Detention Center on July 1, 1999 from the Horry County Government. Since that time, the goal of the J. Reuben Long Detention Center is to create safer communities through secure custodial supervision of inmates.

What county is Myrtle Beach Jail in? ›

Reuben Long Detention Center and North Myrtle Beach Jail, visit Horry County Sheriff's Office Bookings and Releases.

Who is the director of the J Reuben Long Detention Center? ›

Marcus Rhodes was appointed Director for the J. Reuben Long Detention Center in February 2020. He has more than 30 years of experience in law enforcement. Director Rhodes began his career in law enforcement in 1990.

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GREEN BAY – A jury found a 40-year-old man guilty of a hate crime homicide in the 2022 murder of 25-year-old Timothy Nabors Jr. at Green Bay Correctional Institution.

How many state prisons does South Carolina have? ›

Department of Corrections operates 21 prisons serving about 16,000 inmates. It is a cabinet agency led by Director Bryan P. Stirling and reporting to Gov. Henry McMaster.

Does South Carolina have private prisons? ›

As of December 31, 2018, the number of prisoners under the jurisdiction of the State of South Carolina correctional authorities was 19,033 located in 21 state prisons and held in custody of private prisons or local jails. State operated facilities had a staff of 4,900 employees and budget of $465 million.

Where are the detention centers for illegal immigrants? ›

List of immigrant detention sites in the United States
NameStatus (year)Security
Albany County JailIn use (2007)Secure
Albuquerque Regional Correctional Center (Bernalillo County Detention Center)In use (2009)Secure
Alexandria City JailIn use (2007)Secure
Allegheny County JailIn use (2007)Secure
42 more rows

Where are most US prisons? ›

Texas is home to the greatest number of prisons and jails in the USA. With 313 prisons it has 110% more places of incarceration than colleges.

Where was the inmate filmed? ›

Filming took place in Mexico during 2017.

What city has the biggest county jail? ›

Background. Los Angeles County operates the world's largest jail system, and despite an incarceration rate well below the national average, its jails remain critically overcrowded.

What is a local county jail? ›

County jail means a facility operated by a county for the physical detention and correction of persons charged with or convicted of criminal offenses and ordinance violations, persons found guilty of civil or criminal contempt, and juveniles detained by court order.

What county is Myrtle Beach, SC? ›

The Grand Strand, as the Myrtle Beach area is commonly called, stretches for 60 miles along the South Carolina coast and includes a collection of communities within two counties - Horry County and Georgetown County. Each community has its own identity and unique qualities.

How do I find an inmate in South Carolina? ›

SCDC offers the Internet “inmate search” feature and the toll free inmate information line, 1-866-727-2846, as a public service to interested citizens. While SCDC strives to ensure accuracy of this information, it makes no guarantees as to the reliability of the data.

Who runs Parker County jail? ›

While the jail is the constitutional responsibility of the Sheriff, its daily operations are managed by LaSalle Corrections. Since taking over jail operation duties in 2007, private contractors have saved the taxpayers of Parker County countless dollars with their efficient management system.

How do I find an inmate in Parker County jail? ›

You must know the first and last name that the inmate was booked under. We use their legal name. You can use * as a wildcard character but you must put the first initial of the name in the field. If you still have trouble you can contact the booking desk at 817-594-4208.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.