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Reviews about Matthews Family Mortuary
/ 16 reviews and21 ratings
Rating is formed based on customer reviews, ratings and telephone surveys.
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Tabitha G.
June 1, 2022, 10:46 pm
Thank you somuchMrs. Crystal and the Matthews Family Mortuary. Wethank you for your understanding and expertise. You exemplified outstanding professionalism. You gave excellent support when caring for the arrangements ofmy niece, Baby Ivy Dior Whitaker. You answered the family's call with nohesitation. You advised uson the process and you offered your services from start tofinish. Not only did you offer your services but you also reached out toyour partners toassist the family.May God continue toblessyou, your family and your business toserve those inneed.… – show
Shamieka R.
May 21, 2022, 9:18 pm
This funeral home isan authentic gem tohave inour community. They are extremely professional, comforting and thoughtful intheir services provided togrieving families. Their attention todetail and tothe family was endearing because they TRULY cared about the family intheir time ofgrief and need. Amazing service! And may this mortuary continue toSOAR above the rest! Godspeed!
Wanda D.
April 25, 2022, 11:48 pm
Crystal and her staff provided excellent service during the passing ofour beloved motherMrs. Lela Durant. While making arrangements the staff made the family feel comfortable and atpeace during our time ofsorrow. From the beginning tothe end ofthis process everything was exceptional. The Durant Family will berecommending Matthews Funeral Home toall ofour family and friends. Thank you Crystal and staff for your act ofkindness toour family.
nadine b.
April 19, 2022, 5:26 pm
To Crystal and the entire staff ofMatthews Family Mortuary. The family ofNathaniel Birth Jrwould like tothank you for your patience, professionalism and kindness through this most difficult time. Your service was untouchable with all ofyour personable touches that will leave uswith great memories. May God continue tokeep and Blessyou. Thank you Nadine Birth and the entire Birth family.
Rodney B.
April 18, 2022, 3:21 pm
I cannot say enough for this company from the beginning tothe end they were with myfamily. From the time ofus planning myfather funeral there were multiple calls throughout the day throughout the night regardless ofwhat time Matthew funeral home was there. They answer every question that myfamily had during the grievance time and passing ofmy father toburial time ofmy father. They are aclass one operation. Wecannot thank Matthew funeral home enough for the generous caring and love that they show during the passing ofmy father itmade his home going agreat celebration. Thank you again Crystal and Matthew funeral home. You’re truly AOne Service.
The Birth family… – show00
Company's official reply
April 17, 2022, 4:53 pm
Thank you somuch for entrusting us️ ️
Kimberly B.
April 17, 2022, 5:18 am
To Crystal & the ENTIRE STAFF atMatthews Family Mortuary:
Thank you for the caring and Professional manner inhelping uswith the funeral services for our father Nathaniel BirthJr. You did and outstanding job flawlessly. You added somany special touches seamlessly and comforting. Your attention todetail was soappreciated, more than you know. Wewill always remember your kindness and excellent A1service.
Thank you sovery much. ️Kimberly Birth Claxton
Company's official reply
April 17, 2022, 4:53 pm
Thank you somuch ️ ️ ️
Quavoris W.
March 8, 2022, 11:40 pm
Overall impressed bythe staff and compassionate services rendered for mygrandmother Mary Best, not only did she look incredible our family noticed the attention todetail inall aspects ofthe services. Each staff member ensured myfamily was taken care ofwith respect and class! Would recommend the services ofMatthews Mortuary toany who are inneed. Atrue funeral home that delivers the support and care needed during troubling times. Thank you Matthews Mortuary.
Company's official reply
March 8, 2022, 11:03 pm
Thank you somuch for the review. Wewere very thankful toserve you and your family during your difficult time.
Julian E.
February 22, 2022, 7:43 pm
During the toughest time inour life,losing our mother Matthews/Morrow step inand made itbearable. The family ofMrs Mary Barnes (Edwards) Best could not have been more pleased with the service Matthews/Morrow provided. From start tofinish they were gracious,understanding,sympathetic,classy and followed through oneverything they said they would. Overall Matthews/Morrow made planning easy.If you are looking for agood experience,you can trust Matthews/Morrow they will dothe job with dignity and excellence. Mom was BEAUTIFUL!… – show
Company's official reply
March 8, 2022, 11:03 pm
Thank you somuch for your review. Itwas anabsolute honor toserve you and your family during your difficult time.
Deborah C.
February 18, 2022, 1:22 am
I DeborahCox, cousin ofMaryB. Best would like tosay Thank you for ajob well done. She was Beautiful & again Isay Thankyou. Iwas very impressed, Staff looked very professional. The Cox Family…
Company's official reply
March 8, 2022, 11:04 pm
Thank you somuch for the review!
Michelle W.
February 16, 2022, 3:52 am
I would recommend this funeral home toanyone. They provided excellent care and service. The people were very friendly, attentive, organized and caring!!!
Company's official reply
March 8, 2022, 11:04 pm
Thank you somuch!
Karen B.
February 15, 2022, 5:59 pm
Any Homegoing Service IHave Attended, And Matthew Morrow Provided Service, ItWas With Excellence and Professionalism. IAppreciate The Attention ToDetail And The Care Given Throughout. Thank You ToAll The Staff For Even The Love You Show After The Burial OfOur Love Ones. God Bless.! ️
Company's official reply
March 8, 2022, 11:04 pm
Thank you somuch!
patricia l.
February 15, 2022, 4:16 am
This company has perfected quality service and professional attitude! Iattended aservice this past weekend (Pikeville, NC— Mary Collins Best) and Imustsay, itwas first-class. Their fleet ofvehicles are immaculate. Iwas soimpressed, Isnapped acouple ofpictures. The staff was attentive tothe needs ofthe family and tothe request ofguest. Ifwhat Iexperienced istheir standard ofcare, Iwould recommend Matthews Family Mortuary toserve any family because they proved they have whatit takes tosucceed inthis business.… – show
Company's official reply
February 15, 2022, 4:57 am
Thank you somuch for your review. Wetake pride inproviding services toour families.
Lakeshia H.
February 3, 2022, 10:56 pm
Professional and handle mydaughter with love and care.
Company's official reply
February 4, 2022, 3:52 am
Thank you somuch!
Mario J.
July 12, 2020, 1:03 pm
Ms. Crystal and her team were nothing short ofamazing. Very professional, courteous, respectful, and eager toplease. Even during this pandemicMs. Crystal was knowledgeable about thewho, what, andhow.
Gloria B.
February 24, 2020, 8:58 pm
The staff was soprofessional and willing tohelp inanyway. Itfelt like you were dealing with family. The facilities were very soothing and pleasant. Even when Icouldn’t think they knew what Ineeded. Myson Cory Hart was taken very good care offrom beginning toend.
If you are ever inneed ofa funeral home please consider them. You will truly bepleased.00
Company's official reply
March 8, 2022, 11:05 pm
Thank you somuch!
September 5, 2018, 5:57 am
Matthew mortuary picked upmy father ona Monday night. Wevisited their office and paid for acremation andurn. They stated they will overnight shipment ofthe urn and myfathers ashes will beavailable for pickup onThursday. Thursday afternoon came along and Ididn’t hear from them soI called. They advised the urn wasn’t delivered but will bethere tomorrow and they will call when ready. Iwaited till4:30Friday and didn’t hear from them soI called the female employee cell phone asIbhavebeen. They said itwasn’t delivered and since it’s aholiday weekend itshould bedelivered onTuesday. Meanwhile mymother isextremely upset. Icalled the same female employee cell phone Tuesday afternoon and got her voicemail but immediately received atext she was busy and couldn’t talk soI called the office. they said the urn hasn’t been delivered. Iquestioned ifthey received atracking number and they said nobut they will drive tothe UPS store later and see ifit’s there. Iresponded bytelling them tocall them and find out ifit’s there. They responded bysaying okand got myreturn number. Iwaited and hour then texted the original female and told her toforget the urn I’m coming topick upmy dads ashes and they can reimburse mefor the $150.00urn. Ididn’t get aresponse but thankfully Igot acall and they said they have theurn. Their are more details that was frustrating but this review islong enough. Ijust wished they were more compassionate and called meinstead orme keep oncalling bugging them ifI can pick upmydad. They said they will overnight deliver the urn and ifthey couldn’t dothat then quit telling meit will betomorrow. Mymom cried each time Isaid itwasn’t ready itwill betomorrow ordue tothe holiday weekend itwill now beTuesday. They did get the urn onTuesday after they called UPS and Iwas able totake him home.… – show
Company's official reply
March 8, 2022, 11:07 pm
So sorry for your experience aswe try tocommunicate with all families. Due tothe delay inshipping oftheurn, itwas adelay but that was also communicated toyou. Sorry that your experience was not toyour satisfaction.
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